The Homeowners Association provides a fair and efficient procedure for the resolution of disputes between individual Homeowners and the Association, and between different Homeowners as an alternative to litigation. The Committee is comprised of at least three (3) of whom one shall be the Chairperson. The individuals shall be Members of the Association but cannot be Officers of the Association or Members of the Board of Directors. Volunteers are selected as needed and according to their availability.
If any Homeowner has what he/she feels is a dispute between the Association or another Homeowner, she/he may file a written complaint with the Alternative Conflict Resolution Committee. The complaint shall be filed within thirty (30) days after the complainant knew or should have known about the situation giving rise to the complaint. The complaint must be set forth in clear and concise language, the nature of the complaint and must be as specific as possible as to the time, dates, place and persons involved.